Orchestra Society Membership
The Orchestra SocietyThe Williamson County Symphony Orchestra needs you, those who enjoy our music, to join with us as we continuously work to improve our orchestra. We need your moral support, a small amount of your time and a wee bit of your money. Please consider joining our Society which supports our fully volunteer orchestra. Each concert series costs us more than $30,000.00 to execute!
Categories of Society Membership:
Society Member $25 - $99
Friends of the Orchestra $100 - $249
Concert Master Club $250 - $499
Conductor’s Circle $500.00 - $999
Orchestra Patron $1000.00 or more
(Any donation above $50.00 includes spouses name)
All Society Members may vote to elect the officers and directors of the Williamson County Symphony Orchestra Society. Society members are afforded the opportunity of serving on the Williamson County Symphony Orchestra Board of Directors. We provide recognition of Society members in each of our program guides. Donations can be made by credit card or mailed to this address:
Williamson County Symphony Orchestra Society - P.O. Box 122, Round Rock, TX. 78680
Donate online now!PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!
If you would like to make donations through a different method or have any questions, please call 512-789-5073.Without support from a broader segment of the civic-minded citizens of Williamson County, the glorious role that a symphony orchestra can provide to the fine arts environment will be diminished. It is our hope that our orchestra will bring delight to children, comfort to the aged, majesty during the religious seasons, and great joy for everyone who attends the concerts year round.
Williamson County Symphony Orchestra is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.